Max Ghenis

Karma: 220

I’m the co-founder and CEO of PolicyEngine, a tech nonprofit that computes the impacts of public policy ( I’m also the founder and president of the UBI Center, a think tank researching universal basic income policies (

I first got into EA in 2012: I worked at Google at the time, and made a grant to GiveDirectly. I’ve since taken the GWWC pledge and focused my giving on GiveDirectly and GiveWell. I was active in Google’s EA group and also MIT’s when I went there for grad school in 2020.

I’m also the founder of Ventura County YIMBY, and a volunteer California state coordinator for Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a grassroots organization advocating for a national carbon fee-and-dividend policy.

GiveCalc: A new tool to calcu­late the true cost of US char­i­ta­ble giving

Max GhenisDec 3, 2024, 11:23 PM
54 points
7 comments2 min readEA link