He bought a $20,000,000 penthouse with his spoils and lives in the lap of luxury. He’s been flying private jets around the world and spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to influence people to allow him to make more money. Thousands of less educated people put their money into his products which may have vanished. He’s a bad person.
“Ripping off all those innocent Ponzi scheme victims was totally worth it for the future trillions of people SBF will be able to pay for… I’m sorry, I’m hearing that he’s lost his entire net worth.” What a great day for humanity.
- Nov 9, 2022, 2:14 PM; 14 points) 's comment on FTX.com has probably collapsed by (
Why should I trust anyone else of extreme wealth to be honest with their intentions?
How much is the stock worth now? I guess you mean he could do an IPO and increase his wealth by earning a return on his $44B investment, and then use THAT money to further the cause of humanity?
He’s endorsed MacAskill and communicated with him on this very topic. He’s pledged half of his wealth toward bettering humanity on Earth, and half of it to furthering humanity on Mars. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/08/business/effective-altruism-elon-musk.html
And he spoke at the Effective Altruism Global conference. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elon-musk-google-effective-altruism_n_55a56626e4b04740a3de3130
OK how does that ensure the protection of humanity in the future as Musk has stated his sole aim for the use of his wealth to be
Downvoting a question is a weird response. Genuinely interested in answers from adherents to this ideology and members of the group.
[Question] What do EAs think about the Twitter acquisition?
Thanks, I had missed it. The search here doesn’t sort by date.
“Defective Altruism” by Nathan J. Robinson in Current Affairs
Thread on LT/ut’s preference for billions of imminent deaths
Tales from the Thrifts: From savings-and-loan crooks to crypto hucksters
The Enigma of Peter Thiel | There Is No Enigma — He’s a Fascist
Giving all his wealth away? How did he get it? By the exploitation of a labor force enabled by right-wing libertarian ideology. He could try paying taxes so the government can feed starving people and house the homeless. Then he could try supporting unions so that workers can have self-determination.
The mantra of saving 1000 lives versus 1 is such a red flag that this community behaves like a cult. Of course a preposterous claim like that (“I guess you value human life less than us”) is not going to win any outsiders over. How about this, there are thousands of people dying needless, painful deaths every day and the EA community is focused on optimizing optics in AI. Not to mention the hypothetical future human proposition. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Is this community open to debate on the merits of its founding principles? I’m not getting that impression. Where would you recommend to look for a critical discussion of these ideas?
- Jul 27, 2022, 11:56 PM; 12 points) 's comment on Tales from the Thrifts: From savings-and-loan crooks to crypto hucksters by (
New article on how longtermism has cast its spell on another one of the world’s most powerful men. This can no longer be thought of as a philosophical underdog, when there are billions of dollars behind it. The concept should face scrutiny and democratic accountability. Do the people of the world really think this is the best use for the vast sums of wealth controlled by individuals? Does it matter what the poor and starving and intergenerationally oppressed say they need to survive? https://www.salon.com/2022/04/30/elon-musk-twitter-and-the-future-his-long-term-vision-is-even-weirder-than-you-think/
What about SBF, he gave away 1% of his wealth before he lost it all