The author has a note at the top of the saying this was “a heavily downvoted post in [the EA] community” when it was posted here. The archive link Dawn provided, however, shows that it received 64 upvotes on net. Is there a reason for this significant discrepancy between her claim and what the archive link shows?
Karma: 42
- Petey 20 Nov 2022 23:48 UTC26 points4 ∶ 0in reply to: Lorenzo Buonanno🔸’s comment on: What happened to the “Women and Effective Altruism” post?
That seems like a misleading framing. When I hear heavily downvoted post, I think of something that’s well in the negatives on net. Otherwise, the post could also be described as “heavily upvoted” even though it only got 64 karma on net.