Weronika Zurek 🔸

Karma: 360

I first joined Effective Altruism when I started volunteering in Anima International in 2017 and I stayed in the organisation until 2023. For two years I was the coordinator of Anima International’s polish capaign against live carp sales, which I later decided to close. Currently I am the main organiser of an EA university group at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.

When it comes to non-EA-related areas of my life, I am a student of applied psychology. l usually spend my free time doing arts (drawing, painting, crochet, embroidery and others). I also like all sorts of sports and I am a certified stretching instructor.

Why An­ima In­ter­na­tional sus­pended the cam­paign to end live fish sales in Poland

Jakub Stencel30 Dec 2022 17:47 UTC
357 points
24 comments14 min readEA link