Thanks Brad, I didn’t foresee that! (Agree react Brad’s comment if you experienced the same thing). Would it have helped if we had marked increments along the slider? Like the below but prettier? (our designer is on holiday)
Yeah, if there were markers like “neutral”, “slightly agree”, “moderately agree”, “strongly agree”, etc. that might make it clearer.
After the decision by the user registers, a visual display that states something like “you’ve indicated that you strongly agree with the statement X. Redrag if this does not reflect your view or if something changes your mind and check out where the rest of the community falls on this question by clicking here.”
Thanks Brad, I didn’t foresee that! (Agree react Brad’s comment if you experienced the same thing).
Would it have helped if we had marked increments along the slider? Like the below but prettier? (our designer is on holiday)
Yeah, if there were markers like “neutral”, “slightly agree”, “moderately agree”, “strongly agree”, etc. that might make it clearer.
After the decision by the user registers, a visual display that states something like “you’ve indicated that you strongly agree with the statement X. Redrag if this does not reflect your view or if something changes your mind and check out where the rest of the community falls on this question by clicking here.”
Another idea could be to ask, “How many EA resources should go do this, per year, for the next 10 years?”
Options could be things like,
“$0″, “$100k”, “1M”, “100M”, etc.
Also, maybe there could be a second question for, “How sure are you about this?”
Interesting. Certainty could also be a Y-axis, but I think that trades off against simplicity for a banner.