Be very careful when talking to journalists. Have a strong prior against it unless you are confident they are honest, in which case have a weak prior towards it. Consider what the story they are trying to write is. Will your comment make it more accurate or not. And be careful, they are experts and you aren’t. But, if you trust them it’s okay to give accurate information in areas that EAs reputation is wrong (even if it’s too positive)
I think many communities have a norm against talking to journalists. Or talking to them in a specific way.
Eg political communities will probably burn you if they find you talking to journalists, but political people cultivate relationships with journalists who they feed info to to advance their aims.
Proposed community norm. Agreevote if you agree.
Be very careful when talking to journalists. Have a strong prior against it unless you are confident they are honest, in which case have a weak prior towards it. Consider what the story they are trying to write is. Will your comment make it more accurate or not. And be careful, they are experts and you aren’t. But, if you trust them it’s okay to give accurate information in areas that EAs reputation is wrong (even if it’s too positive)
I agreevoted but I don’t think this is a community norm. It’s just a life skill.
I think many communities have a norm against talking to journalists. Or talking to them in a specific way.
Eg political communities will probably burn you if they find you talking to journalists, but political people cultivate relationships with journalists who they feed info to to advance their aims.