[Question] Evidence to prioritize or working on AI as the most impactful thing?

Consider me a non-technical, AI-ignorant EA who has specialized in other areas. Consider that I want to do the most good, so I hear about AI and how all the funding and the community is now directed towards AI and how it is the most impactful thing. However as an EA I’m interested by impact before making any decisions. Can you link any research paper (understandable by someone who is not skilled in ML), any forum post, any book (that would be the best option!), to show me evidence that AI is indeed the most impactful thing to work on?

I listened to Davidson 80k podcast, I know about the fable of the boy and the wolf by the famous Kat, I know about the 5 percent chances of human extinction. I read the Precipice. However I still find myself reluctant to put AI as my priority despite knowing these things. As an EA raised in the Oxford tradition, I have an urge to defer, but rationally I am not convinced. Since it is considered that community epistemics are strong on this subject, I guess they should be available for people that do not have the technical background to understand the evidence.

Ps : Sorry for the many reposts, my internet is playing with me and I thought that the question wasn’t sent!