There’s no procedure in place for resolving large-scale disagreement within the EA movement. EA is currently a “do-ocracy”, which leads to the unilateralist’s curse and other problems. In the limit of growth, we risk resolving our disagreements the same way society at large does: with shouting and/or fists. Ideally there would be some kind of group rationality best practices baked in to the EA movement. (These could even be a core branding focus.)
This seems particularly important to me. I’d love to hear more in depth thoughts of you have any. Even if not, I think it might be worth a top level post to spur discussion.
One category of solutions is the various voting and governing systems. Score voting seems pretty solid based on my limited reading. There are also more exotic proposals like futarchy/prediction markets and eigendemocracy. The downside of systems like this is once you give people a way to keep score, they sometimes become focused on increasing their score (through forming coalitions, etc.) at the expense of figuring out what’s true.
There are also “softer” solutions like trying to spread beneficial social norms. Maybe worrying about this is overkill in a group made up of do-gooders anyway, as long as moral trade is emphasized enough that people with very different value systems can still find ways to cooperate.
You’re more than welcome to think things over and write a top level post.
This seems particularly important to me. I’d love to hear more in depth thoughts of you have any. Even if not, I think it might be worth a top level post to spur discussion.
One category of solutions is the various voting and governing systems. Score voting seems pretty solid based on my limited reading. There are also more exotic proposals like futarchy/prediction markets and eigendemocracy. The downside of systems like this is once you give people a way to keep score, they sometimes become focused on increasing their score (through forming coalitions, etc.) at the expense of figuring out what’s true.
There are also “softer” solutions like trying to spread beneficial social norms. Maybe worrying about this is overkill in a group made up of do-gooders anyway, as long as moral trade is emphasized enough that people with very different value systems can still find ways to cooperate.
You’re more than welcome to think things over and write a top level post.