Agree there are valid space policy considerations (and I could add to that list)[1], but I think lack of tractability is a bigger problem than neglect.[2] Everyone involved in space already knows ASAT weapons are a terrible idea, they’re technically banned since 1966, but yes, tests have happened despite that because superpowers gotta superpower. As with many other international relations problems—and space is more important than some of those and less than others - the problem is lack of coordination and enforceability rather than lack of awareness that problems might exist. Similarly Elon’s obligation to deorbit Starlink at end of life is linked to SpaceX’s FCC licence and parallel ESA regulation exists.[3] If he decides to gut the FCC and disregard it, it won’t be from lack of study into congested orbital space or lack of awareness the problem exists.
“Examine environmental effects of deorbiting masses of satellites into the mesosphere and potential implications for future LEO deorbiting policy” would be at the top of my personal list for timeliness and terrestrial impact...
Well I did say I went further than you!
Agree there are valid space policy considerations (and I could add to that list)[1], but I think lack of tractability is a bigger problem than neglect.[2] Everyone involved in space already knows ASAT weapons are a terrible idea, they’re technically banned since 1966, but yes, tests have happened despite that because superpowers gotta superpower. As with many other international relations problems—and space is more important than some of those and less than others - the problem is lack of coordination and enforceability rather than lack of awareness that problems might exist. Similarly Elon’s obligation to deorbit Starlink at end of life is linked to SpaceX’s FCC licence and parallel ESA regulation exists.[3] If he decides to gut the FCC and disregard it, it won’t be from lack of study into congested orbital space or lack of awareness the problem exists.
“Examine environmental effects of deorbiting masses of satellites into the mesosphere and potential implications for future LEO deorbiting policy” would be at the top of my personal list for timeliness and terrestrial impact...
And above all, am struggling to see the marginal impact being bigger than health. as 80k suggested.
It’s also not in SpaceX’s interests to jeopardise LEO because they extract more economic value from that space than anyone else...