Yes/​No Debate (Shenanigans Workshop)

Hey everyone,

Imagine a debate where

  • no arguments are ignored

  • all questions are answered

  • and at the end, all people agree
    (Or at least actually know why they disagree.)

Is this possible? Maybe!

Georg Jähnig will be holding a workshop on Yes/​No debate. It’s a simple ruleset for running an effective debate with another person on any disagreement you may have, either spoken or written.

If you want to prepare/​cheat: Read his forum post on it and make up your mind about the EA-related ideas listed in this form – we will use them as debating prompts.

You’re very welcome, even if you’ve never been to a meetup, or you feel like you don’t fit in. Here is the link to our last event, maybe you know some people already: Tell Culture (EA Shenanigans)

Time: The workshop starts at 19:00, feel free to arrive by 18:30. Afterward, there will be time for socializing[1].

Food: I’ll bring pita bread, vegetables and dips.

Location: The Chaos Computer Club Berlin can comfortably fit about 20 people. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect.

Directions (German): https://​​​​page/​​anfahrt[2]

Please contact __nobody if you have any questions about the location.

Note: This won’t matter for newcomers, but we’re meeting on the third Tuesday of the month from now on.

  1. ^

    Rooms close 1 AM.

  2. ^

    Look for this logo over the door: