“Type errors in the middle of arguments explain many philosophical gotchas: 10 examples”
“CNS imaging: a review and research agenda” (high decision relevance for moral uncertainty about suffering in humans and non humans)
“Matching problems: a literature review”
“Entropy for intentional content: a formal model” (AI related)
“Graph traversal using negative and positive information, proof of divergent outcomes” (neuroscience relevant potentially)
“One weird trick that made my note taking 10x more useful”
Do you mind expanding a bit on CNS Imaging, Entropy for Intentional content, and Graph Traversal?
Current theme: default
Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
“Type errors in the middle of arguments explain many philosophical gotchas: 10 examples”
“CNS imaging: a review and research agenda” (high decision relevance for moral uncertainty about suffering in humans and non humans)
“Matching problems: a literature review”
“Entropy for intentional content: a formal model” (AI related)
“Graph traversal using negative and positive information, proof of divergent outcomes” (neuroscience relevant potentially)
“One weird trick that made my note taking 10x more useful”
Do you mind expanding a bit on CNS Imaging, Entropy for Intentional content, and Graph Traversal?