I quite like this. The downvotes might be because “meta-ethics” has a distinct meaning in moral philosophy, so some people may have taken one look at the title and thought, “Um, no it isn’t.”
[Edited to add: You might have more luck arguing that deontological ethics and virtue ethics actually belong in the domain of applied ethics—and maybe even aesthetics in places—while normative ethics should just be in the business of figuring out which consequentialist theory is correct.]
Thanks! Changed it to reflect this. As I said, not knowledgeable about ethics.
It would be nice if others would say something like this rather than just down-voting haha.. In any case, your comment is exactly the type of guidance I appreciate!
I quite like this. The downvotes might be because “meta-ethics” has a distinct meaning in moral philosophy, so some people may have taken one look at the title and thought, “Um, no it isn’t.”
[Edited to add: You might have more luck arguing that deontological ethics and virtue ethics actually belong in the domain of applied ethics—and maybe even aesthetics in places—while normative ethics should just be in the business of figuring out which consequentialist theory is correct.]
Thanks! Changed it to reflect this. As I said, not knowledgeable about ethics.
It would be nice if others would say something like this rather than just down-voting haha.. In any case, your comment is exactly the type of guidance I appreciate!