a newsletter about longtermism written by Matthew van der Merwe & Pablo Stafforini. Each month we collect and summarize longtermism-relevant research, share news from the longtermism community, and feature a conversation with a prominent longtermist.
Future Matters Reader uses text-to-speech software to convert into audio the writings summarized in the Future Matters newsletter.
It seems like a lot of those writings weren’t on Nonlinear’s podcast feeds, either due to not being on the EA Forum /​ LessWrong /​ Alignment Forum or for some other reasons.
Future Matters
A machine-read audio version of the Future Matters newsletter, which is:
Also the Future Matters Reader:
It seems like a lot of those writings weren’t on Nonlinear’s podcast feeds, either due to not being on the EA Forum /​ LessWrong /​ Alignment Forum or for some other reasons.