It’s just my inside view that he carelessly and to some extent intentionally plays fast and loose with the truth to the point of libel by saying that Beckstead said ‘To be honest I don’t care that much about poverty’ and then ended the call and went off to to have lunch. Stewart then framed it in a way as if he just in a very unreflective way just cares about ‘asteroid strikes and robot overlords’ - you can also call it hyperbole. I think he just couldn’t bear that someone younger - ‘sitting in California in his hoodie’- didn’t want to give him- Rory Stewart OBE- a grant for a charity whose effectiveness he probably understands less well then Beckstead. I have a strong prior that he misrepresented Beckstead’s view on this (Beckstead used to work for Givewell) and also due to the Sam Harris incident (which I only came across incidentally because I sometimes hate read Sam Harris on this topic). I thought it was worth it to come out strong with my inside view and on the spectrum from misremembering to lying I’m more inclined to call it lying.
He did mention the head of the FTX foundation which was Nick Beckstead—not sure about the others, but would still seem weird for them to say it like that—maybe one of the younger staff members said something like ‘I care more about the far future’ or something along the lines of ‘GiveDirectly is too risk averse’. but would still think he’s painting quite the stereotype of EA here.
It’s just my inside view that he carelessly and to some extent intentionally plays fast and loose with the truth to the point of libel by saying that Beckstead said ‘To be honest I don’t care that much about poverty’ and then ended the call and went off to to have lunch. Stewart then framed it in a way as if he just in a very unreflective way just cares about ‘asteroid strikes and robot overlords’ - you can also call it hyperbole. I think he just couldn’t bear that someone younger - ‘sitting in California in his hoodie’- didn’t want to give him- Rory Stewart OBE- a grant for a charity whose effectiveness he probably understands less well then Beckstead. I have a strong prior that he misrepresented Beckstead’s view on this (Beckstead used to work for Givewell) and also due to the Sam Harris incident (which I only came across incidentally because I sometimes hate read Sam Harris on this topic). I thought it was worth it to come out strong with my inside view and on the spectrum from misremembering to lying I’m more inclined to call it lying.
Are you sure it’s not the other possible candidate? I have only heard negative things about one of their personalities.
He did mention the head of the FTX foundation which was Nick Beckstead—not sure about the others, but would still seem weird for them to say it like that—maybe one of the younger staff members said something like ‘I care more about the far future’ or something along the lines of ‘GiveDirectly is too risk averse’. but would still think he’s painting quite the stereotype of EA here.