Imagine you could get a group of talented university students and high school students. to spend one hour engaging with any readings/videos of your choice.
These resources are meant to (succinctly) summarize some of the most important arguments around effective altruism & longtermism. By “longtermism,” I mean a) the idea that the long-term future is highly important and b) the belief that there are some actions we can take today to improve our odds of having a promising long-term future.
The main objective is to find “insta-EAs”—people who become highly motivated to learn more about EA/longtermism after a brief exposure to the core ideas. (Note that the main purpose is not to give students a comprehensive understanding of EA/longtermism, as this would be impossible in an hour. The main purpose is simply to motivate talented people to learn more on their own.)
Which resources would you most strongly recommend?
For context, I am most interested in resources that would be valuable in a) intro fellowships, b) retreats/workshops, and c) high school outreach activities.
What are the best (brief) resources to introduce EA & longtermism?
Imagine you could get a group of talented university students and high school students. to spend one hour engaging with any readings/videos of your choice.
These resources are meant to (succinctly) summarize some of the most important arguments around effective altruism & longtermism. By “longtermism,” I mean a) the idea that the long-term future is highly important and b) the belief that there are some actions we can take today to improve our odds of having a promising long-term future.
The main objective is to find “insta-EAs”—people who become highly motivated to learn more about EA/longtermism after a brief exposure to the core ideas. (Note that the main purpose is not to give students a comprehensive understanding of EA/longtermism, as this would be impossible in an hour. The main purpose is simply to motivate talented people to learn more on their own.)
Which resources would you most strongly recommend?
For context, I am most interested in resources that would be valuable in a) intro fellowships, b) retreats/workshops, and c) high school outreach activities.