After playing with the idea for quite a while, I finally made a couple of youtube videos about forecasting. I’ve still got a lot to learn about both production and editing, but I received really valuable feedback which I expect to help a lot going forward.
Hoping to complete an “Intro to forecasting” series over the next few weeks.
Edit: also this thread is a great idea. Thanks for making it :).
After playing with the idea for quite a while, I finally made a couple of youtube videos about forecasting. I’ve still got a lot to learn about both production and editing, but I received really valuable feedback which I expect to help a lot going forward.
Hoping to complete an “Intro to forecasting” series over the next few weeks.
Edit: also this thread is a great idea. Thanks for making it :).
Do you want to share the links?
Sure! The first video in what will become the Introductory series is here.