In July, we published the following research posts:
Improving the future by influencing actors’ benevolence, intelligence, and power: This post outlines a framework for coming up with, and assesses the expected value of, actions to improve the long-term future, and discusses nine implications of this framework. --We were excited to see this framework already drawn on in two new forum posts by other authors (1,2).
Moral circles: Degrees, dimensions, visuals: This post overviews the classic concept of moral circles, discusses two important complexities that conception overlooks or fails to make explicit, and how they can be represented visually. --This post also led to several researchers getting in contact with Michael Aird (its author) and then being connected with each other.
Crucial questions for longtermists: This introduces a collection of “crucial questions for longtermists”: important questions about the best strategies for improving the long-term future. This collection is intended to serve as an aide to thought and communication, a kind of research agenda, and a kind of structured reading list.--In August, we followed up with a post focusing specifically on Crucial questions about optimal timing of work and donations
Additionally, our Researcher/Writer Michael Aird published:
Update from Convergence Analysis
In July, we published the following research posts:
Improving the future by influencing actors’ benevolence, intelligence, and power: This post outlines a framework for coming up with, and assesses the expected value of, actions to improve the long-term future, and discusses nine implications of this framework. --We were excited to see this framework already drawn on in two new forum posts by other authors (1,2).
Moral circles: Degrees, dimensions, visuals: This post overviews the classic concept of moral circles, discusses two important complexities that conception overlooks or fails to make explicit, and how they can be represented visually. --This post also led to several researchers getting in contact with Michael Aird (its author) and then being connected with each other.
Crucial questions for longtermists: This introduces a collection of “crucial questions for longtermists”: important questions about the best strategies for improving the long-term future. This collection is intended to serve as an aide to thought and communication, a kind of research agenda, and a kind of structured reading list.--In August, we followed up with a post focusing specifically on Crucial questions about optimal timing of work and donations
Additionally, our Researcher/Writer Michael Aird published:
3 suggestions about jargon in EA
Some history topics it might be very valuable to investigate
Venn diagrams of existential, global, and suffering catastrophes
Do research organisations make theory of change diagrams? Should they?