My company provides me with 3 annual days off for volunteering. Is there anything I can do in these 3 days that leverages my main skill (software engineering)? If not I will volunteer elsewhere, but I suspect the most effective use of my time would still be to leverage my current skills. I am happy to hear your ideas.
Just spotted this thing: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/4PK3ykPsWWueutKgv/software-engineering-help-needed-effective-animal-advocacy
Animal Advocacy Careers’ “skilled volunteering” board has a few things that might be relevant in the “other technical” section.
What cause area are you most interested in?
Would you spend only those 3 days, or would you be interested in using those days to familiarize yourself with a project and be open to contributing more in the future?
You might be interested in https://www.impactcolabs.com/ , https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lSNKEP8RKgcQFROfpJFyN6VOuLxeQvybk_gqrDq8Tk0/edit#slide=id.g151144507d3_0_86 (AI Alignment, looking for 3 hours per week), and https://ea-internships.pory.app/board