A combination of the people most likely to be able to fill the skill gaps we currently regard as most crucial (so, people who have specific experience or talents—though this may be pretty general) and people I think I can help most. The latter tends to mean people who aren’t in-person involved in the effective altruism community, since those people are likely to have already heard a lot of the advice I might give, and to have other people they can usefully chat to about their career decisions.
How do you decide who to advise?
A combination of the people most likely to be able to fill the skill gaps we currently regard as most crucial (so, people who have specific experience or talents—though this may be pretty general) and people I think I can help most. The latter tends to mean people who aren’t in-person involved in the effective altruism community, since those people are likely to have already heard a lot of the advice I might give, and to have other people they can usefully chat to about their career decisions.