Yeah, I’m gonna ballpark guess he’s around 95%? I think the problem is that he cites numbers like 99.99% when talking about the chance of doom “without miracles”, which in his parlance means assuming that his claims are never overly pessimistic. Which seems like wildly bad epistemic practice. So then it goes down if you account for that, and then maybe it goes down even further if he adjusts for the possibility that other people are more correct than him overall (although I’m not sure that’s a mental move he does at all, or would ever report on if he did).
I could be wrong, but I’d guess Eliezer’s all-things-considered p(doom) is less extreme than that.
Yeah, I’m gonna ballpark guess he’s around 95%? I think the problem is that he cites numbers like 99.99% when talking about the chance of doom “without miracles”, which in his parlance means assuming that his claims are never overly pessimistic. Which seems like wildly bad epistemic practice. So then it goes down if you account for that, and then maybe it goes down even further if he adjusts for the possibility that other people are more correct than him overall (although I’m not sure that’s a mental move he does at all, or would ever report on if he did).
Even at 95% you get OOMs of difference by my calculations, though significantly fewer OOMs, so this doesn’t seem like the main crux.