people’s thoughts on what books relevant to nuclear risk might be worth reading or worth skipping
links to good summaries/reviews/notes about relevant books
By “books relevant to nuclear risk”, I mean books that:
are focused on nuclear risk specifically, or
are focused on WMDs or great power war more generally, or
have sections relevant to these things
(If you’re not sure whether something counts, please mention it anyway!)
I imagine such a collection could be useful for other people too. I’ll also share in an answer the relevant books and summaries/reviews/notes that I already know of.
[Question] Books / book reviews on nuclear risk, WMDs, great power war?
I’d be interested in:
people’s thoughts on what books relevant to nuclear risk might be worth reading or worth skipping
links to good summaries/reviews/notes about relevant books
By “books relevant to nuclear risk”, I mean books that:
are focused on nuclear risk specifically, or
are focused on WMDs or great power war more generally, or
have sections relevant to these things
(If you’re not sure whether something counts, please mention it anyway!)
I imagine such a collection could be useful for other people too. I’ll also share in an answer the relevant books and summaries/reviews/notes that I already know of.