Love this initiative! I think the potential can be even greater, based on my experience of being Irish and long periods living in Italy and Belgium (and yes, I applied—but I’d also be happy to help out if someone else starts this kind of initiative).
Ireland and Italy both have very strong attitudes towards charitable donations and doing good, including donating for causes that are not local. It’s no coincidence that Bono and Bob Geldof are Irish—whatever your opinion of them personally might be, the attitude they represent, that world problems like poverty and famine are our responsibility to solve is a very Irish one.
I would contrast this with the US, where people are also very generous (in my experience), but where it feels like most people prefer to donate to US-based charities or at least US-run charities, which often commit to using US-sourced materials and so on.
(obviously all these comments are gross generalisations based on limited and subjective data, although I think Ireland has repeatedly topped lists of charitable donations per capita).
Love this initiative! I think the potential can be even greater, based on my experience of being Irish and long periods living in Italy and Belgium (and yes, I applied—but I’d also be happy to help out if someone else starts this kind of initiative).
Ireland and Italy both have very strong attitudes towards charitable donations and doing good, including donating for causes that are not local. It’s no coincidence that Bono and Bob Geldof are Irish—whatever your opinion of them personally might be, the attitude they represent, that world problems like poverty and famine are our responsibility to solve is a very Irish one.
I would contrast this with the US, where people are also very generous (in my experience), but where it feels like most people prefer to donate to US-based charities or at least US-run charities, which often commit to using US-sourced materials and so on.
(obviously all these comments are gross generalisations based on limited and subjective data, although I think Ireland has repeatedly topped lists of charitable donations per capita).
Hey Denis! Really glad to hear you’ve applied—please also let people in your networks know about the program :)