A contrasting approach is to choose the next steps in a career based on opportunities rather than causes, as Shay wrote:
Another important point that I wish to emphasize is that I was looking for promising options or opportunities, rather than promising cause areas. I believe that this methodology is much better suited when looking at the career options of a single person. That is because while some cause area might rank fairly low in general, specific options which might be a great fit for the person in question could be highly impactful (for example, climate change and healthcare [in the developed world] are considered very non-neglected in EA, while I believe that there are promising opportunities in both areas). That said, it surely is natural to look for specific options within a promising cause area.
A contrasting approach is to choose the next steps in a career based on opportunities rather than causes, as Shay wrote:
(That link seems to lead back to this question post itself—I’m guessing you meant to link to this other post?)
(thanks! fixed)