Readers might be interested in the EU’s AI Ethics guidelines, which various EA-type people tried (and apparently failed?) to influence in a productive direction.
A minor note:
the world’s largest trading bloc.
according to google...
US GDP (2018): 20.5 trillion
EU GDP (2018): 18.8 trillion
and presumably EU GDP, and influence on AI, will fall when the UK leaves. (If you use PPP I think China is bigger)
Thanks for writing this, it was very interesting.
Readers might be interested in the EU’s AI Ethics guidelines, which various EA-type people tried (and apparently failed?) to influence in a productive direction.
A minor note:
according to google...
US GDP (2018): 20.5 trillion
EU GDP (2018): 18.8 trillion
and presumably EU GDP, and influence on AI, will fall when the UK leaves. (If you use PPP I think China is bigger)
Can you elaborate on the EU’s AI Ethics guidelines case? What did they try and why didn’t they succeed?
I’d also like to know
thanks, fixed :)