My understanding is that most AI safety work that plausibly reduces some s-risks may reduce extinction risks as well, and I’m thinking that some futures where we go extinct because of AI (especially with a single AI taking over) wouldn’t involve astronomical suffering, if the AI has no (or sufficiently little) interest in consciousness or suffering, whether
because consciousness or suffering is useful to some goal (e.g. it might simulate suffering incidentally or for the value of information), or
because there are other agents who care about suffering it has to interact with or whose preferences it should follow (they could all be gone, ruling out s-risks from conflicts).
I am interested in how people are weighing (or defeating) these considerations against the s-risk reduction they expect from (particular) AI safety work.
EDIT: Summarizing:
AI safety work (including s-risk-focused work) also reduces extinction risk.
Reducing extinction risk increases some s-risks, especially non-AGI-caused s-risks, but also possibly AGI-caused s-risks.
So AI safety work may increase s-risks, depending on tradeoffs.
[Question] Why does (any particular) AI safety work reduce s-risks more than it increases them?
My understanding is that most AI safety work that plausibly reduces some s-risks may reduce extinction risks as well, and I’m thinking that some futures where we go extinct because of AI (especially with a single AI taking over) wouldn’t involve astronomical suffering, if the AI has no (or sufficiently little) interest in consciousness or suffering, whether
because consciousness or suffering is useful to some goal (e.g. it might simulate suffering incidentally or for the value of information), or
because there are other agents who care about suffering it has to interact with or whose preferences it should follow (they could all be gone, ruling out s-risks from conflicts).
I am interested in how people are weighing (or defeating) these considerations against the s-risk reduction they expect from (particular) AI safety work.
EDIT: Summarizing:
AI safety work (including s-risk-focused work) also reduces extinction risk.
Reducing extinction risk increases some s-risks, especially non-AGI-caused s-risks, but also possibly AGI-caused s-risks.
So AI safety work may increase s-risks, depending on tradeoffs.