To add one more person’s impression, I agree with ofer that he apology was “reasonable,” I disagree with him that your post “reads as if it was optimized to cause as much drama as possible, rather than for pro-social goals,” and I agree with Amber Dawn that the original email is somewhat worse than something I’d have expected most people to have in their past. (That doesn’t necessarily mean it deserves any punishment decades later and with the apology –non-neurotyptical people can definitely make a lot of progress between, say, early twenties and later in life, in understanding how their words affect others and how edginess isn’t the same as being sophisticated.)
I think this is one of these “struggles of norms” where you can’t have more than one sacred principle, and ofer’s and my position is something like “it should be okay to say ‘I don’t know what’s true’ on a topic where the truth seems unclear ((but not, e.g., something like Holocaust denial)).” Because a community that doesn’t prioritize truth-seeking will run into massive troubles, so even if there’s a sense in which kindness is ultimately more important than truth-seeking (I definitely think so!), it just doesn’t make sense as an instrumental norm to treat it as sacred (so that one essentially forces people to say things that might be false or else they are punished).
Separately from that, I think it’s bad to reinforce the idea that group averages have any normative relevance whatsoever. If we speak as though the defence against racism is empirically finding that all intelligence differences for group averages are at most environmentally-caused, then that’s a weak defence against racism! It’s “weak” because it could turn out to be false. But in reality, I don’t think there’s any possiblefinding that could make us think “racism is okay.” In my view, not being racist – in the sense that has moral significance for me – means that (1) you’re not more inclined to falsely reach a conclusion about people from a different ethnicity than you’d reach the same conclusion about (e.g.) your own ethnicity and (2) when you consider “candidates” (in whatever context) with equal characteristics/interests/qualifications, etc., you’re not more inclined to treat some worse than others based solely on their ethnicity. If we hold this view, we get to relax to about what could be found out about group averages.
That said, I do agree that there’s very little, if anything, to gain from discussions about group averages, and that the people who are eager to bring up the topic seem morally suspicious. (In this specific case of Bostrom_2023 writing the apology, it’s not like he could have chosen to avoid the topic entirely – so given the mistakes he made 26 years ago, he had to address it again.)
and I agree with Amber Dawn that the original email is somewhat worse than something I’d have expected most people to have in their past.
When I wrote “If you look at the most horrible thing that every person has done in their entire life[…]” I meant: “If for every person you look at the most horrible thing that that person has done[…]” (I.e. it can be a completely different thing for each person.) I’ve edited my comment to make that clear.
How does this change the meaning? (Genuine question) You’re still saying it’s likely almost everyone has done things like that email or worse, which seems unlikely to me.
It changes the emphasis a bit from “written evidence” (and “expressed worldviews”) to “anything whatsoever.”
E.g., if classrooms in 2005 had CCTV, you could find a video of my 14-year-old self deliberately mispronouncing someone else’s name to make it sound dumb and making a comment about them having “girly” hair after someone else had already started making fun of him. I think that video would be similarly hard to watch as the original Bostrom email is hard to read.
edit: At least on some dimensions of “hard to watch”? I understand the view that Bostrom’s comments were much worse, but I think there’s something especially jarring about expressed lack of empathy when the person who’s being hurt is right in front of you, as opposed to saying dumb stuff in a small/closed setting to be intellectually edgy.
Unless people here have a far better story than “Eugenics is horrible because eugenics!” behind their usage of the word ‘horrible’ with respect to Bostrom’s words I suggest they stop using it. This is the EA forum after all and we ought to do better here than circular logic.
You’re still saying it’s likely almost everyone has done things like that email or worse, which seems unlikely to me.
Consider a random human who spent about 278,860 hours as an adult person on earth (as Bostrom has, according to Wikipedia). Let’s label that random person as “extremely morally robust” if during those 278,860 hours they have not once done something at least as horrible as writing that email (as a philosophy student, in a discussion about offending people, in 1995).
Suppose someone is robust to the point that the chance of them doing something at least as horrible in a random hour of their adult life is like the chance to flip a coin and get heads 15 times in a row. Even that hypothetical human is very unlikely (~0.02% chance) to get the “extremely morally robust” label as defined above.
That said, I do agree that there’s very little, if anything, to gain from discussions about group averages, and that the people who are eager to bring up the topic seem morally suspicious
Racial disparities are a key political/culture wars topic. There’s nothing suspicious about enumerating regressors.
To add one more person’s impression, I agree with ofer that he apology was “reasonable,” I disagree with him that your post “reads as if it was optimized to cause as much drama as possible, rather than for pro-social goals,” and I agree with Amber Dawn that the original email is somewhat worse than something I’d have expected most people to have in their past. (That doesn’t necessarily mean it deserves any punishment decades later and with the apology –non-neurotyptical people can definitely make a lot of progress between, say, early twenties and later in life, in understanding how their words affect others and how edginess isn’t the same as being sophisticated.)
I think this is one of these “struggles of norms” where you can’t have more than one sacred principle, and ofer’s and my position is something like “it should be okay to say ‘I don’t know what’s true’ on a topic where the truth seems unclear ((but not, e.g., something like Holocaust denial)).” Because a community that doesn’t prioritize truth-seeking will run into massive troubles, so even if there’s a sense in which kindness is ultimately more important than truth-seeking (I definitely think so!), it just doesn’t make sense as an instrumental norm to treat it as sacred (so that one essentially forces people to say things that might be false or else they are punished).
Separately from that, I think it’s bad to reinforce the idea that group averages have any normative relevance whatsoever. If we speak as though the defence against racism is empirically finding that all intelligence differences for group averages are at most environmentally-caused, then that’s a weak defence against racism! It’s “weak” because it could turn out to be false. But in reality, I don’t think there’s any possible finding that could make us think “racism is okay.” In my view, not being racist – in the sense that has moral significance for me – means that (1) you’re not more inclined to falsely reach a conclusion about people from a different ethnicity than you’d reach the same conclusion about (e.g.) your own ethnicity and (2) when you consider “candidates” (in whatever context) with equal characteristics/interests/qualifications, etc., you’re not more inclined to treat some worse than others based solely on their ethnicity. If we hold this view, we get to relax to about what could be found out about group averages.
That said, I do agree that there’s very little, if anything, to gain from discussions about group averages, and that the people who are eager to bring up the topic seem morally suspicious. (In this specific case of Bostrom_2023 writing the apology, it’s not like he could have chosen to avoid the topic entirely – so given the mistakes he made 26 years ago, he had to address it again.)
When I wrote “If you look at the most horrible thing that every person has done in their entire life[…]” I meant: “If for every person you look at the most horrible thing that that person has done[…]” (I.e. it can be a completely different thing for each person.) I’ve edited my comment to make that clear.
How does this change the meaning? (Genuine question) You’re still saying it’s likely almost everyone has done things like that email or worse, which seems unlikely to me.
It changes the emphasis a bit from “written evidence” (and “expressed worldviews”) to “anything whatsoever.”
E.g., if classrooms in 2005 had CCTV, you could find a video of my 14-year-old self deliberately mispronouncing someone else’s name to make it sound dumb and making a comment about them having “girly” hair after someone else had already started making fun of him. I think that video would be similarly hard to watch as the original Bostrom email is hard to read.
edit: At least on some dimensions of “hard to watch”? I understand the view that Bostrom’s comments were much worse, but I think there’s something especially jarring about expressed lack of empathy when the person who’s being hurt is right in front of you, as opposed to saying dumb stuff in a small/closed setting to be intellectually edgy.
Unless people here have a far better story than “Eugenics is horrible because eugenics!” behind their usage of the word ‘horrible’ with respect to Bostrom’s words I suggest they stop using it. This is the EA forum after all and we ought to do better here than circular logic.
Consider a random human who spent about 278,860 hours as an adult person on earth (as Bostrom has, according to Wikipedia). Let’s label that random person as “extremely morally robust” if during those 278,860 hours they have not once done something at least as horrible as writing that email (as a philosophy student, in a discussion about offending people, in 1995).
Suppose someone is robust to the point that the chance of them doing something at least as horrible in a random hour of their adult life is like the chance to flip a coin and get heads 15 times in a row. Even that hypothetical human is very unlikely (~0.02% chance) to get the “extremely morally robust” label as defined above.
Racial disparities are a key political/culture wars topic. There’s nothing suspicious about enumerating regressors.