What share of British adults are vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian?

Link post

My colleague Hannah Ritchie and I just published a new short post on the dietary choices of British adults on Our World in Data.

The data comes from the tracker survey run by YouGov every 6 months (around 2,000 adults per survey) – we’ll be updating these charts regularly with the latest data.

Key takeaways:

  • 70% of adults define themselves as meat-eaters, 16% as flexitarian, 5% as vegetarian, 3% as pescetarian, 2% as vegan, and 4% as ‘none of these’.

  • There is a strong correlation with age: the younger the age group, the fewer meat-eaters. Only half of 18-24y say they are meat-eaters, against 4 in 5 people above 65y.

  • The survey was only run 6 times so far, so it’s a bit early to look at trends over time, but in the youngest group, the share of meat-eaters has gone down from 67% in mid-2019 to 52% in late 2021. (Because this survey only tracks declarative statements, this may be due to a mix of actual changes in dietary habits, and changes in the way people perceive and label their dietary habits.)