Two-letter domain names, even for some extensions more obscure than .org, are typically very expensive. For examples of pricey two-letter .orgs, see and from this list; they sold for $22k and $28k, respectively.
(Also, if someone has held onto a two-letter domain name for many years, there’s a good chance they’ve been approached by domain traders — who are numerous and proactive — and refused to sell even for a competitive price.)
This all sounds correct to me. Just to add: the organization had a revenue of $31 million in 2017, so they’re not going to sell their domain for cheap.
Two-letter domain names, even for some extensions more obscure than .org, are typically very expensive. For examples of pricey two-letter .orgs, see and from this list; they sold for $22k and $28k, respectively.
(Also, if someone has held onto a two-letter domain name for many years, there’s a good chance they’ve been approached by domain traders — who are numerous and proactive — and refused to sell even for a competitive price.)
This all sounds correct to me. Just to add: the organization had a revenue of $31 million in 2017, so they’re not going to sell their domain for cheap.
We got this one, which was quite cheap: