It’s sometimes useful to ask the advisee to come to the call with a list of questions or topic prepared. If you’d like us to ask all advisees to do this, just let us know!
I personally find it extremely useful when people provide questions beforehand, even if it’s just a couple of bulletpoints. But I’ve also found (in contexts other than this[1]) that sometimes asking people to send a few bulletpoints is too high a barrier to entry and they just won’t do that. So I’d suggest making this a suggestion, rather than something that sounds more like a requirement.
I personally find it extremely useful when people provide questions beforehand, even if it’s just a couple of bulletpoints. But I’ve also found (in contexts other than this[1]) that sometimes asking people to send a few bulletpoints is too high a barrier to entry and they just won’t do that. So I’d suggest making this a suggestion, rather than something that sounds more like a requirement.
e.g. when people are requesting surveys.
Good to know, thank you!