Hi! Does anybody know where the figure for cataract surgery ($1,000/severe visual impairment reversed) comes from? Is it one eye, or both eyes? I’m making a presentation and I’d like to be assured that the figures are as correct as possible.
For instance, this 2011 article (https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6963-13-480) provides the following information:
“The average cost of cataract surgery [in Southern Ethiopia] in 2010 was US$141.6 (Range: US$37.6–312.6)”.
Last time I looked the best I could find was https://www.givewell.org/international/technical/programs/cataract-surgery#cost from GiveWell, which estimated “the cost per blindness or severe visual impairment reversed at $112-$1,250” but if I remember correctly there are uncertainties around counterfactuality and other important considerations.
Hi, Lorenzo! Thank you, once again, for your kindness!
Hi! Does anybody know where the figure for cataract surgery ($1,000/severe visual impairment reversed) comes from? Is it one eye, or both eyes? I’m making a presentation and I’d like to be assured that the figures are as correct as possible.
For instance, this 2011 article (https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6963-13-480) provides the following information:
“The average cost of cataract surgery [in Southern Ethiopia] in 2010 was US$141.6 (Range: US$37.6–312.6)”.
Last time I looked the best I could find was https://www.givewell.org/international/technical/programs/cataract-surgery#cost from GiveWell, which estimated “the cost per blindness or severe visual impairment reversed at $112-$1,250” but if I remember correctly there are uncertainties around counterfactuality and other important considerations.
Hi, Lorenzo! Thank you, once again, for your kindness!