I appreciate this post’s high info to length ratio, and I’d be excited about more EAs taking actions along the lines of your corollaries at the end.
On another note, I find it interesting that for the amount of time community builders should be spending skilling up for direct work / doing direct work / skilling up in general:
You say roughly 20%
Emma Williamson says >50% (in her post from yesterday)
I’m saying “at least ~20%”; I’m certainly happy with some people with much higher ratios.
My impression is that Emma’s post is mostly talking about student organizers. I think “>50%” seems like a very reasonable default there. I think it would be a bit too costly to apply to later career professionals (though it isn’t totally crazy especially for “community building leadership” roles).
I appreciate this post’s high info to length ratio, and I’d be excited about more EAs taking actions along the lines of your corollaries at the end.
On another note, I find it interesting that for the amount of time community builders should be spending skilling up for direct work / doing direct work / skilling up in general:
You say roughly 20%
Emma Williamson says >50% (in her post from yesterday)
I’m saying “at least ~20%”; I’m certainly happy with some people with much higher ratios.
My impression is that Emma’s post is mostly talking about student organizers. I think “>50%” seems like a very reasonable default there. I think it would be a bit too costly to apply to later career professionals (though it isn’t totally crazy especially for “community building leadership” roles).