Does it matter that some EAs think black people are stupider than white people?

This post is inspired by recent discussion about Nick Bostrom but it is not about Nick Bostrom. It is about EA in general.

It’s clear that many EAs believe that there are population-level differences in average intelligence between ethnic groups. Some representative comments from recent discussions:

IQ distributions differ across races. IQ proxies [are] a general factor of intelligence. Afaik intelligence researchers believe both sentences are correct. I care more about being correct than about being culturally compliant [...]” (1)

The finding that generally many groups of black people have on average lower IQ than than the median is pretty robust, and he does make it clear even in the initial emailthat [sic] he doesn’t think they are morally inferior or that he doesn’t hold the actual negative views about them that one might associate with this language.” (2)

“[...] the focus on labeling people who lean towards there being a genetic difference in population means as bad is mistaken given that the threat is actually people who try to leverage this claimed difference politically or attempt to inject their belief in this difference into as many conversations as possible.” (3)

Some EAs draw a distinction between thinking black people are stupider on average than white people, and thinking they are worth less:

“[...] Bostrom makes clear that differences in intelligence do not alter the moral value or human dignity of each person.

“For him, as for many, the issues of intelligence and moral worth are distinct; he never claims that black people are worth less, you are ascribing your own notion that IQ=moral worth, and then blaming him for not responding to it.” (4)

I am not going to relitigate the question of whether population-level differences in IQ exist between races. My own view is the evidence for the existence of such differences is weak and entirely unconvincing. I do not believe such differences exist. I am uninterested in debating this, however: it is in fact irrelevant to my post. My interest is in the fact that, regardless of whether such differences exist in actuality, a subset of EAs clearly believe in them and think they are important.

This has profound implications for the ability of the movement to work in the interests of all humanity. For example, EAs who believe it is important that the human population expand but who think that African people are likely to be stupider than the human average may divert resources away from them. EAs making hiring decisions may prioritise applications from people whom they have not subconsciously assigned to the schema “stupider than me.”

These risks are especially salient for a movement like EA, which prides itself on its rationality and adherence to rigorous logical thinking. Belief that members of certain groups are likely to be less capable of this type of thinking is likely have a pernicious effect upon the good work EA is trying to do.

I suggest that:

  • EA leaders (executives and board members of EVF, GWWC, FHI, etc.) should publicly share whether they believe that there are population-level differences in intelligence between ethnic groups.

This will allow potential donors to make informed decisions about whether EA work is something they wish to support.

[note to moderators: please do not tag this Nick Bostrom; as noted above the post is not about him or his email, but rather about the wider issues his email highlights]