ie any answer with less upvotes on it’s top level comment shouldn’t happen. This is a way to broadly signal at what point you think the answers “become worth doing”. Edited for clarity, thanks Guy
This post makes it harder than usual for me to tell if I’m supposed to upvote something because it is well-written, kind, and thoughtful vs whether I agree with it.
I’m going to continue to use up/downvote for good comment/bad comment and disagree/agree for my opinion on the goodness of the idea.
[EDIT: addressed in the comments. Nathan at least seems to endorse my interpretation]
I think because the sorting is solely on karma, the line is “Everything above this is worth considering” / “Everything below this is not important” as opposed to “Everything above this is worth doing”
Any answer below this shouldn’t happen.
ie any answer with less upvotes on it’s top level comment shouldn’t happen. This is a way to broadly signal at what point you think the answers “become worth doing”. Edited for clarity, thanks Guy
I’m confused, what did you mean to happen with this comment?
What is the line: Karma or Agreement?
It’s karma—which is kind of wrong here.
Can an opinion be right but unimportant?
Definitely, for example if people are bikeshedding (vigorously discussing something that doesn’t matter very much)
This post makes it harder than usual for me to tell if I’m supposed to upvote something because it is well-written, kind, and thoughtful vs whether I agree with it.
I’m going to continue to use up/downvote for good comment/bad comment and disagree/agree for my opinion on the goodness of the idea.
[EDIT: addressed in the comments. Nathan at least seems to endorse my interpretation]
I think because the sorting is solely on karma, the line is “Everything above this is worth considering” / “Everything below this is not important” as opposed to “Everything above this is worth doing”
The parent of this comment shouldn’t happen.