I think we should do a bit more research into avant la lettre EA movements. Macaskill mentioned the Mohists several times in his new book, but never really gets into the detail of this movement. In a few recent (link)posts there have been mentions of the Charity Organisation Society and Scientific Philanthropy movements, and we have similarities with the original British utilitarian philosophers as well.
I would love to read an in depth analysis about why/how/if these movements failed, how the originated and how they compare to EA.
I think we should do a bit more research into avant la lettre EA movements. Macaskill mentioned the Mohists several times in his new book, but never really gets into the detail of this movement. In a few recent (link)posts there have been mentions of the Charity Organisation Society and Scientific Philanthropy movements, and we have similarities with the original British utilitarian philosophers as well.
I would love to read an in depth analysis about why/how/if these movements failed, how the originated and how they compare to EA.
In case you haven’t already seen it, this might be helpful: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/aWyFsYZuxkrraQdYk/bibliography-of-ea-writings-about-fields-and-movements-of