How can we encourage people to include a 75 word Tl;dr: in every post? 75 words seems to be what is visible in the preview pane when hovering over the title of a post.
Perhaps after hitting submit, people could be prompted if they wanted to add a Tl;dr to the top of the post.
give the writer +2 karma if they fill a 75w “TL;DR” section in the post;
Have a section “TL;DR-ed posts” in the front page
Start a new convention by writing a comment “great post, thanks, it’d be even better if you had a TL;DR, what d’you think?” after each post you see (if you do that, I’ll promptly follow)
How can we encourage people to include a 75 word Tl;dr: in every post? 75 words seems to be what is visible in the preview pane when hovering over the title of a post.
Perhaps after hitting submit, people could be prompted if they wanted to add a Tl;dr to the top of the post.
give the writer +2 karma if they fill a 75w “TL;DR” section in the post;
Have a section “TL;DR-ed posts” in the front page
Start a new convention by writing a comment “great post, thanks, it’d be even better if you had a TL;DR, what d’you think?” after each post you see (if you do that, I’ll promptly follow)
I thought this was a good idea. I have submitted this as a issue here:
Would be cool if we could deploy a really great ML summarization tool to use on posts to make this sort of thing automatic.