I am inclined to agree, but to take the other side for a minute, if I imagine being very confident it was true, I feel like there would be important truths that I would only realize if I communicated that knowledge deep into my System 1.
I’m also confused about this. One framing I sometimes have is
If I were a general in a war, or a scientist on the Manhattan project, will I act similarly?
And my guess is that I won’t act the same way. Like I’d care less about work-life balance, be more okay with life not going as well, be more committed with x-risk stuff always being the top of my mind, etc. And framed that way, I feel more attuned to the change of S1 “getting it” being positive.
I am inclined to agree, but to take the other side for a minute, if I imagine being very confident it was true, I feel like there would be important truths that I would only realize if I communicated that knowledge deep into my System 1.
I’m also confused about this. One framing I sometimes have is
And my guess is that I won’t act the same way. Like I’d care less about work-life balance, be more okay with life not going as well, be more committed with x-risk stuff always being the top of my mind, etc. And framed that way, I feel more attuned to the change of S1 “getting it” being positive.