We also built and continue to maintain the codebase that runs LessWrong and the EA Forum (together with the EA Forum team), which is now also being used by a bunch of other forums (like the Progress Forum, the recently launched Animal Advocacy Forum, and the Sam Harris “Waking Up” community)
We also run Lighthaven, a large event and office space in Downtown Berkeley, which provides heavily subsidized event space for various EA-aligned programs and events (currently hosting the MATS program)
Thanks Oliver. I’ve added Forum Magnum and Lighthaven.
I’m reluctant to have links to other forums through some combination of
a) it being a potential floodgate to start linking to communities that aren’t fairly explicitly a subset of EA, and
b) those forums being already well known, and I want to highlight projects that people might realistically miss after a couple of months in the EA fold.
I’m wondering whether I should take some of the bigger organisations off the list for the latter reason, but I haven’t managed to come up with a consistent principle here. I’m open to being persuaded that there’s a way to be more consistent in either direction.
writing here to add a signal: i know less about the first two (LW and the codebase behind it), but Lighthaven is a godsend. i’ve run two EA-aligned events at lighthaven that would’ve either been infeasible to run elsewhere due to cost constraints, or significantly worse at other venues.
also being used by a bunch of other forums (like the Progress Forum, the recently launched Animal Advocacy Forum, and the Sam Harris “Waking Up” community)
@Habryka is it possible to track all public Magnum forums? Any searchable legal attribution or technical element?
A bunch of projects by Lightcone Infrastructure that likely qualify:
We run LessWrong.com and the AI Alignment Forum (alignmentforum.org)
We also built and continue to maintain the codebase that runs LessWrong and the EA Forum (together with the EA Forum team), which is now also being used by a bunch of other forums (like the Progress Forum, the recently launched Animal Advocacy Forum, and the Sam Harris “Waking Up” community)
We also run Lighthaven, a large event and office space in Downtown Berkeley, which provides heavily subsidized event space for various EA-aligned programs and events (currently hosting the MATS program)
Thanks Oliver. I’ve added Forum Magnum and Lighthaven.
I’m reluctant to have links to other forums through some combination of
a) it being a potential floodgate to start linking to communities that aren’t fairly explicitly a subset of EA, and
b) those forums being already well known, and I want to highlight projects that people might realistically miss after a couple of months in the EA fold.
I’m wondering whether I should take some of the bigger organisations off the list for the latter reason, but I haven’t managed to come up with a consistent principle here. I’m open to being persuaded that there’s a way to be more consistent in either direction.
Nah, seems reasonable to me.
writing here to add a signal: i know less about the first two (LW and the codebase behind it), but Lighthaven is a godsend. i’ve run two EA-aligned events at lighthaven that would’ve either been infeasible to run elsewhere due to cost constraints, or significantly worse at other venues.
@Habryka is it possible to track all public Magnum forums? Any searchable legal attribution or technical element?
Can’t think of any way off the top of my head.