AI Rights for Human Safety

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I thought this was an interesting paper by Peter Salib and Simon Goldstein, and it matches many of my own thoughts about AI governance as well. Here’s the abstract:

AI companies are racing to create artificial general intelligence, or “AGI.” If they succeed, the result will be human-level AI systems that can independently pursue high-level goals by formulating and executing long-term plans in the real world. Leading AI researchers agree that some of these systems will likely be “misaligned”—pursuing goals that humans do not desire. This goal mismatch will put misaligned AIs and humans into strategic competition with one another. As with present-day strategic competition between nations with incompatible goals, the result could be violent and catastrophic conflict. Existing legal institutions are unprepared for the AGI world. New foundations for AGI governance are needed, and the time to begin laying them is now, before the critical moment arrives.

This article begins to lay those new legal foundations. It is the first to think systematically about the dynamics of strategic competition between humans and misaligned AGI. The article begins by showing, using formal game-theoretic models, that, by default, humans and AIs will be trapped in a prisoner’s dilemma. Both parties’ dominant strategy will be to permanently disempower or destroy the other, even though the costs of such conflict would be high.

The article then argues that a surprising legal intervention could transform the game-theoretic equilibrium and avoid conflict: AI rights. Not just any AI rights would promote human safety. Granting AIs the right not to be needlessly harmed—as humans have granted to certain non-human animals—would, for example, have little effect. Instead, to promote human safety, AIs should be given those basic private law rights—to make contracts, hold property, and bring tort claims—that law already extends to non-human corporations. Granting AIs these economic rights would enable long-run, small-scale, mutually-beneficial transactions between humans and AIs. This would, as we show, facilitate a peaceful strategic equilibrium between humans and AIs for the same reasons economic interdependence tends to promote peace in international relations. Namely, the gains from trade far exceed those from war.

Throughout, we argue that human safety, rather than AI welfare, provides the right framework for developing AI rights. This article explores both the promise and the limits of AI rights as a legal tool for promoting human safety in an AGI world.