New Cause Area: Programmatic Mettā

I think the old EA cause areas are bad and would like to instead propose the one true and only effective cause area: Programmatic Mettā.

We have long outgrown the current generation of meta-EA orgs. New meta-orgs are in order. In order to establish the next generation of meta-EA (and the corresponding fruiting bodies of object-level orgs that are out there somewhere in the real world, we hear tell of them at least), it is necessary to form a meta-meta-EA org.

The question then occurs of which decision-making frame to chose for forming & filling the meta-meta-org seats, so a meta-meta-meta-org framework will be necessary. Infinite regress, etc. Dogs howling on the shore after a car zooms through in the night. To prevent the obvious troubles of notation, let us denote the infinite regress of our present situation as metta. And let us speak of how it feels right now as present. Also present is the word for good things that we give to each other when we want to show that we are kind and not dangerous. Let present denote that feeling, the feeling of receiving something nice as a child, right alongside how it feels to be here now. Be here now. Present. Be here now. Present.

But right, the others! The others are still in pain!


A metta-org is what is required. A metta-org is obviously the most effective thing.

Its organization shall flow thusly: metta metta metta metta metta metta metta metta metta metta metta...

This sequence does not end, and it transcends all notions of infinity. To accommodate the arising of this second infinite regress, we denote it thusly: mettā

And so carrying on and having folded in this other infinite regress we proceed thusly: mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā …

And we see that the problem occurs again at yet a higher dimension, so to avert that noticed-upon difficulty we now hum it in our heads as much as we can, all day long without end, as much as we can: mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā mettā...

If you get bored or just want to shake it up, you may substitute maitrī, martyr, mama, mom, Mother whenever you like.

Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother...

mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom...

Switch it up whenever you like. Really.

Or you can just stop this nonsense and go do something else that you care about. There sure is a lot that needs doing out there.


Thusly flows the organization of the most effective thing.