There’s a delay between when something gets posted and when a moderator categorizes it. That said, this seems like a classic community post to my eyes, but I’m not a moderator.
Given the broad range of topics covered, it’s difficult to place this post into a particular category—some questions are more “Frontpage”, others more “Community”. Will’s answers are likely to include a mix of content that fits into both categories, but is probably a better fit for “Community” overall, because the kinds of questions people wound up asking were mostly related to topics for which we use that category.
There’s a delay between when something gets posted and when a moderator categorizes it. That said, this seems like a classic community post to my eyes, but I’m not a moderator.
Given the broad range of topics covered, it’s difficult to place this post into a particular category—some questions are more “Frontpage”, others more “Community”. Will’s answers are likely to include a mix of content that fits into both categories, but is probably a better fit for “Community” overall, because the kinds of questions people wound up asking were mostly related to topics for which we use that category.