I’m really excited about this new effective giving organisation—I think that you’ve done a really great job of capturing the heathcare vibe with the website and promotional video (simialr to how HIA captured the sporty/althlete vibes on theirs). Feels a bit like an NHS explainer video (which I think is awesome!).
My name is Luke, and I work at GWWC as the Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator where I support the global effective giving community and help with the development of new effective giving initiatives. Here are a few ways that I might be able to support your project. The most relevant of which is that I would love to jump on a call with someone from the GiveHealth team to chat about ways that GWWC and the wider effective giving ecosystem can support the work that you’re doing!
I’m also curious if you’ve been in contact with High Impact Medicine as I think they are interested in getting more involved in the effective giving space?
Thanks for this, I will get in touch directly to meet. We’ve have quite a lot of useful discussions and cross-pollination with Hi-Med. They do actually have effective giving as a core part of their recommendations/discussion but also focus on careers and other aspects of doing good.
Thank you, Luke, for suggesting this, and thank you again, Alastair, for the conversations we’ve had so far! We look forward to staying in touch and seeing how our organisations can support each other in our complementary goals.
Hey GiveHeath!
I’m really excited about this new effective giving organisation—I think that you’ve done a really great job of capturing the heathcare vibe with the website and promotional video (simialr to how HIA captured the sporty/althlete vibes on theirs). Feels a bit like an NHS explainer video (which I think is awesome!).
My name is Luke, and I work at GWWC as the Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator where I support the global effective giving community and help with the development of new effective giving initiatives. Here are a few ways that I might be able to support your project. The most relevant of which is that I would love to jump on a call with someone from the GiveHealth team to chat about ways that GWWC and the wider effective giving ecosystem can support the work that you’re doing!
I’m also curious if you’ve been in contact with High Impact Medicine as I think they are interested in getting more involved in the effective giving space?
Hi Luke,
Thanks for this, I will get in touch directly to meet. We’ve have quite a lot of useful discussions and cross-pollination with Hi-Med. They do actually have effective giving as a core part of their recommendations/discussion but also focus on careers and other aspects of doing good.
Thank you, Luke, for suggesting this, and thank you again, Alastair, for the conversations we’ve had so far! We look forward to staying in touch and seeing how our organisations can support each other in our complementary goals.