The leaders[1] of the AI Caucus within the US House have just introduced legislation for the Creating Resources for Every American To Experiment with Artificial Intelligence Act of 2023 (CREATE AI Act).
The CREATE AI Act would establish the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) – research infrastructure that provides AI researchers with access to tools for developing AI. Similar legislation is also being introduced in the Senate by the Senate Artificial Intelligence Caucus.[2]
You can read a press release here, or the full bill text here.
From the press release:
The CREATE AI Act establishes the NAIRR,which has four primary goals:
Spur innovation and advance the development of safe, reliable, and trustworthy AI research and development.
Improve access to AI resources for researchers and students, including groups typically underrepresented in STEM.
Improve capacity for AI research in the United States.
Support the testing, benchmarking, and evaluation of AI systems developed and deployed in the United States.
The NAIRR will offer the following to researchers, educators, and students at higher education institutions, non-profits, and federally funded agencies:
Computational resources, including an open-source software environment and a programming interface providing structured access to AI models.
Data, including curated datasets of user interest and an AI data commons.
Educational tools and services, including educational materials, technical training, and user support.
AI testbeds, including a catalog of open AI testbeds and a collaborative project with the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Pretty unfortunate naming, like calling a new cybersecurity policy the RELEASE VIRUS Act.