Should this just cover posts that explicitly discuss things like red-teaming (whether or not they also actually do red-team something), or also posts that are solelyexamples of red-teaming (without explicit discuss of that)?
I think probably the former?
That’s mainly because otherwise I think the boundaries might be too fuzzy and/or the list of posts tagged might be too long and unfocused. But I could be wrong about that.
Should this just include posts on things like red-teaming EAs’ ideas, or also posts on red-teaming in other contexts (e.g., in governments or as a way of improving decisions in general)?
Red teaming or red teams or red team or something like that
Examples of posts that would get this tag: if it was a top-level post or if we could tag shortforms
Should this just cover posts that explicitly discuss things like red-teaming (whether or not they also actually do red-team something), or also posts that are solely examples of red-teaming (without explicit discuss of that)?
I think probably the former?
That’s mainly because otherwise I think the boundaries might be too fuzzy and/or the list of posts tagged might be too long and unfocused. But I could be wrong about that.
Should this just include posts on things like red-teaming EAs’ ideas, or also posts on red-teaming in other contexts (e.g., in governments or as a way of improving decisions in general)?
I moderately confidently think the latter
Related entries
Yes! Will create this later today.