The case for suffering-focused ethics (Lukas Gloor, 2016)
Risks of astronomical future suffering (Brian Tomasik)
Are happiness and suffering symmetric? (Brian Tomasik, 2015)
Reducing long-term risks from malevolent actors (Althaus and Bauamann, 2020)
The horror of suffering (Brian Tomasik)
The world destruction argument (Simon Knutsson)
How important is experiencing suffering for caring about suffering?
Tranquilism (Lukas Gloor, 2017)
Cause prioritization for downside-focused value systems (Lukas Gloor)
Does Negative Utilitarianism Override Individual Preferences? (Brian Tomasik)
Why I’m not a negative utilitarian (Toby Ord)
Thoughts on Ord’s Why I’m not a negative utilitarian (Simon Knutsson)
Are pleasure and pain equally energy-efficient? (Carl Shulman, 2012)
Reply to Shulman’s Are pleasure and pain equally energy-efficient? (Simon Knutsson, 2017)
Reducing risks of astronomical suffering: a neglected priority (David Althaus and Lukas Gloor, 2016)
The importance of wild-animal suffering
The importance of insect suffering
The unproven and unprovable case for wild-animal suffering
Is there more suffering than happiness in nature? A reply to Michael Plant
Breeding happier animals (Carl Shulman)
Academic bibliography on suffering-focused ethics
EA reading list: suffering-focused ethics
Start here:
The case for suffering-focused ethics (Lukas Gloor, 2016)
Risks of astronomical future suffering (Brian Tomasik)
Are happiness and suffering symmetric? (Brian Tomasik, 2015)
Reducing long-term risks from malevolent actors (Althaus and Bauamann, 2020)
Further reading:
The horror of suffering (Brian Tomasik)
The world destruction argument (Simon Knutsson)
How important is experiencing suffering for caring about suffering?
Tranquilism (Lukas Gloor, 2017)
Cause prioritization for downside-focused value systems (Lukas Gloor)
Does Negative Utilitarianism Override Individual Preferences? (Brian Tomasik)
Why I’m not a negative utilitarian (Toby Ord)
Thoughts on Ord’s Why I’m not a negative utilitarian (Simon Knutsson)
Are pleasure and pain equally energy-efficient? (Carl Shulman, 2012)
Reply to Shulman’s Are pleasure and pain equally energy-efficient? (Simon Knutsson, 2017)
Reducing risks of astronomical suffering: a neglected priority (David Althaus and Lukas Gloor, 2016)
The importance of wild-animal suffering
The importance of insect suffering
The unproven and unprovable case for wild-animal suffering
Is there more suffering than happiness in nature? A reply to Michael Plant
Breeding happier animals (Carl Shulman)
Academic bibliography on suffering-focused ethics