Would people giving you a list of plausibly good candidates be useful, so you can contact them? (Specifically, I know of lots of people who are probably too junior but still might be worth the low cost of an email asking them to apply since they seem promising and interested in this kind of thing. And I guess even if they are too junior, maybe they’ll impress CSER enough that you give them a more junior version of the role.)
Would people giving you a list of plausibly good candidates be useful, so you can contact them? (Specifically, I know of lots of people who are probably too junior but still might be worth the low cost of an email asking them to apply since they seem promising and interested in this kind of thing. And I guess even if they are too junior, maybe they’ll impress CSER enough that you give them a more junior version of the role.)
Yes that would be helpful, thanks!
Cool, I’ll shoot you an email!