Good point about nonhuman animals. Going with the norm for humans certainly does have weird implications.
I suppose part of the answer might be that with humans, poverty is the problem we’re trying to fix, but with animals, it’s a lot more than poverty. (Though at least for wild animals, poverty/starvation is a large part of the problem.)
At the end of the day the number is based off what I think would not impair my productivity. It’s nice having it anchored to something concrete, but I am not as sold on it being anchored as I am on the good done from spending less. I do think if I based it off the animal average (aside from it being way harder to calculate) it would not be enough to live off of without major time sacrifices.
At the end of the day the number is based off what I think would not impair my productivity.
If this comes first (which makes sense to me), it might be better to start by framing the description in terms of that, giving yourself as a data point/example of that being low in your judgment of your case, rather than in terms of the global mean (which will often not track your primary criterion)?
Julia Wise’s posts on her and Jeff Kaufman’s frugal budgets take this form (data point).
Good point about nonhuman animals. Going with the norm for humans certainly does have weird implications.
I suppose part of the answer might be that with humans, poverty is the problem we’re trying to fix, but with animals, it’s a lot more than poverty. (Though at least for wild animals, poverty/starvation is a large part of the problem.)
At the end of the day the number is based off what I think would not impair my productivity. It’s nice having it anchored to something concrete, but I am not as sold on it being anchored as I am on the good done from spending less. I do think if I based it off the animal average (aside from it being way harder to calculate) it would not be enough to live off of without major time sacrifices.
If this comes first (which makes sense to me), it might be better to start by framing the description in terms of that, giving yourself as a data point/example of that being low in your judgment of your case, rather than in terms of the global mean (which will often not track your primary criterion)?
Julia Wise’s posts on her and Jeff Kaufman’s frugal budgets take this form (data point).