How to use the Forum

Key posts in this sequence:

  1. 🖋️ Write on the EA Forum

  2. 🦋 Guide to norms on the Forum

  3. 🛠️ Forum user manual

You can also sign up for the EA Forum Digest, a weekly email that goes out to subscribers to share some of our favorite EA Forum posts from the past week. We usually include some question or request posts, and we’re starting to share a “classic Forum post” per week, too. You can find some recent issues here.

How to use the Fo­rum (in­tro)

New? Start here! (Use­ful links)

You should write on the EA Forum

Guide to norms on the Forum

Fo­rum user manual

EA Fo­rum fea­ture sug­ges­tion thread

Fol­low and filter top­ics (& an up­date to the “Com­mu­nity” topic)

Link-post­ing is an act of com­mu­nity service

You Should Write a Fo­rum Bio

Fo­rum Digest: re­minder that it ex­ists & re­quest for feedback

You don’t have to re­spond to ev­ery comment

A Fo­rum post can be short