Ca­reer framework

TagLast edit: Mar 31, 2023, 2:30 PM by Pablo

The career framework is a model developed by 80,000 Hours to evaluate careers in terms of their social impact. The standard version of the model comprises four primary factors: career capital, role impact, supportive conditions, and personal fit. The first three factors are additive, which interact multiplicatively with the fourth factor.

More recently, the model has been extended to capture the value of coordination. This extension incorporates two additional factors: relative fit, or the person’s comparative advantage relative to members of the effective altruism community, and community capital, or the extent to which the person’s actions increase the community’s future impact and ability to coordinate.

Further reading

Todd, Benjamin (2019) A guide to using your career to help solve the world’s most pressing problems, 80,000 Hours, March.

Todd, Benjamin (2015) What should you look for in a job? Introducing our framework, 80,000 Hours, July.

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