Macroe­co­nomic policy

TagLast edit: Jul 14, 2022, 5:14 PM by Pablo

Macroeconomic policy is the set of government rules and regulations concerned with influencing the operation of the economy as a whole.

The workings of the national and global economy affect many people. Often the global economy is unstable, which can be costly: for instance, the Great Recession caused a rise in unemployment, and might have had other serious, but less visible, effects such as increasing cancer deaths worldwide.[1]

Open Philanthropy believes that there are macroeconomic policies that could alleviate some of this instability, and reduce its associated costs. It supports work to advocate for such policies, and to research better policies.[2]

Further reading

Open Philanthropy (2016) Macroeconomic stabilization policy, Open Philanthropy.

Related entries

economics | economic growth | policy

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    Open Philanthropy (2016) Macroeconomic stabilization policy, Open Philanthropy.

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