Value erosion

TagLast edit: 19 Feb 2023 19:34 UTC by Will Aldred

Value erosion refers to a process by which competitive dynamics could eventually lead to “the proliferation of forms of life (countries, companies, autonomous AIs) which lock-in bad values”, if those forms of life outcompete others (Dafoe, 2020).

Further reading

Dafoe, Allan (2019) Value erosion for FHI July 2019, July 25.

Bostrom, Nick (2004) The future of human evolution, in Charles Tandy (ed.) Death and Anti-Death: Two Hundred Years after Kant, Fifty Years after Turing, vol. 2, Palo Alto, California: Ria University Press, pp. 339–371.

Christiano, Paul (2019) What failure looks like, LessWrong, March 17.

Hanson, Robin (2016) The Age of Em: Work, Love, and Life When Robots Rule the Earth, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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AI risk | dystopia | longtermism | value lock-in

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